Department of Commerce
[/vc_column_text][vc_tta_tour color=”white” active_section=”1″ css=”.vc_custom_1710427218892{border-radius: 1px !important;}”][vc_tta_section title=”Syllabus” tab_id=”esrdgyujnikofdsrdtfhuji4356789asdfg”][vc_column_text]B Com Subject & Syllabus Syllabus CS FMO Syllabus CF BS BCom Syllabus Compressed 30 JULY 2022[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Question Paper Pattern” tab_id=”3456789iyt6rdtxfcghjio9876543wertgyuh”][vc_column_text]Question Paper Pattern 22/01/2021 Question Paper Pattern 23/01/2021[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Presentation” tab_id=”2345678976543ewsdfgyt6754erdftty654eraaaa”][vc_column_text]COMMUNICATION SKILLS PPT[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Study Material” tab_id=”345678976543weaszdxcfgyu78654ertfghu”][vc_column_text]—– Company Law —–
1. What are the Different Types of Shares 2. Transfer and Transmission of Securities – Know the Procedure of Transfer, Time Limits, and Penalties 3. Share Capital 4. Articles of Association 5. Characteristics of Company 6. Content of the MOA 7. Preference Shares 8. Procedure for Transmission of Shares under Companies Act, 2013—– Marketing Management —–
1. Pricing Policy Meaning, Objectives and Factors 2. Factors Affecting the Pricing Decisions 3. Types of Pricing Strategies Top 10 Strategies 4. Government markets 5. Market Segmentation – Definition, Bases, Types & Examples—– Business Communication & Management —–
1. What is Communication 2. Management communication in the organisation has two purposes 3. MIS 4. Business Communication 5. Communication Process within a Business Organization 6. MS EXCEL 7. MS Words 2007 8. MS Power Point 9. Types of Business Communication 10. What is Public Relations—– Secretarial Practice —–
Steps In Incorporation of A Company—– Business Management —–
Management Definitions Concept Objectives and Scope—– Business Organization —–
1. 14 Important Characteristics of a Partnership Firm 2. 5 Main Types of Organisation 3. Organisation Meaning Concept Features and Advantages 4. Matrix Organization Definition, Functioning and Limitations 5. Formal and Informal Organization Features, Advantages and Disadvantages 6. BPO 7. KPO 8. KMP—– Business Management —–
Skill Development Notes-Motivation—– Human Resource Management —–
1. Recruitment and Selection Proces 2. MCQ HRM (135) 3. HRM MCQ-50 (EHM) 4. HRM-Sem-VI-MCQ-Module-1 5. HRM mcq&a[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Teaching Plan & Plan of Evaluation” tab_id=”w3456789087654erdfcgvhuy7654324567890123″][vc_column_text]- B Com I, III sem, Final Yr & II, IV sem 2017-2018
- B Com I, III, V & II, IV, VI sem 2018-2019
- B Com I, III, V & II, IV, VI sem 2019-2020
- B Com I, III, V & II, IV, VI sem 2020-2021
- B Com I, III, V _ II, IV, VI sem 2021-2022
- Teaching Plan B Com II, IV, VI sem 2022-2023
Bachelor of Commerce
B.Com.I | |
Semester I | English Marathi Bussiness Economics |
Semester II | Financing Accounting Fundamental of Statistics & Computer Principles of Business Management Company Law & Secretarial Practice |
B.Com.II | |
Compulsory Subject | English Marathi Monetary Economics Business & Industrial Law Cost and Management Accounts Financial Account-II |
Optional Subject | Business Communication (Theory -80 and Practical Assessment-10 Marks & Internal Viva. Vocational 10 Marks.) |
B.Com.III (Semester) | |
Compulsory Subject | Audit and Income Tax Financial Accounting-III Business Law Business Communication and Management Indian Economics Computerized Accounting (80+20) |
- Compulsory English
- Marathi (Second Language)
- Financial Accounting – I
- Company Law
- Business Organization
- Business Economics – I
- Compulsory English
- Marathi (Second Language)
- Statistics & Business Mathematics
- Secretarial Practice
- Business Management
- Business Economics – II
- Compulsory English
- Marathi (Second Language)
- Financial Accounting – II
- Business Communication & Management
- Monitory Economics – I
- Business Law
- Compulsory English
- Marathi (Second Language)
- Financial Accounting – II
- Skill Development
- Monitory Economics – II
- Income Tax
- Financial Accounting – IV
- Cost Accounting
- Management Process
- Indian Economics – I
- Elective Group – I Marketing Management OR Computerized Accounting
- Foundation Group – I Business Finance – I OR Auditing
- Financial Accounting – V
- Managemnet Accounting
- Advanced Statiscs
- Indian Economics – II
- Elective Group – II Human Resource Management OR Indirect Tax
- Foundation Group – II Business Finance – II OR Industrial Law
—– Company Law —–
1. What are the Different Types of Shares
8. Procedure for Transmission of Shares under Companies Act, 2013
—– Marketing Management —–
1. Pricing Policy Meaning, Objectives and Factors
2. Factors Affecting the Pricing Decisions
3. Types of Pricing Strategies Top 10 Strategies
5. Market Segmentation – Definition, Bases, Types & Examples
—– Business Communication & Management —–
2. Management communication in the organisation has two purposes
5. Communication Process within a Business Organization
9. Types of Business Communication
—– Secretarial Practice —–
Steps In Incorporation of A Company
—– Business Management —–
Management Definitions Concept Objectives and Scope
—– Business Organization —–
1. 14 Important Characteristics of a Partnership Firm
2. 5 Main Types of Organisation
3. Organisation Meaning Concept Features and Advantages
4. Matrix Organization Definition, Functioning and Limitations
5. Formal and Informal Organization Features, Advantages and Disadvantages
—– Business Management —–
Skill Development Notes-Motivation
—– Human Resource Management —–